Bill Schmidt, Stuart Holly, Carl Ruppert, Mark Fujina, Jerry Carlson
From Left Around Table   Diane Diedrich, Al Osterndorf, Joyce Rowan, Tom Wanke, Beverly Stenicka, Ron Harris, Nancy Walsh, Richard Feller, Dianne Miller, Howard Dietzman

Joyce Scanlon              Nancy Walsh, Tom Wanke, Sharon Ruth, Hugh Evans

Homeroom 335 waiting for General MacArthur
Mrs. Schoofs            Antoinette Przybylski, Audrey Passow, Anita Poth          BVHS Band

Homeroom 335 Christmas Party December 21, 1949
Shirley Prasser, Janice Pforr, Eileen Quinlan, Donald Ihling     Carol Pellant, Phyllis Pejka, Ruth Pluta, Lydia Pierotti

Doris Soltis                               Janice Hornickel                               Doris Soltis
Marian Schmidt & Nancy Johnson

 Nancy Johnson, Marilyn Bertram, Nancy Wilke        Marilyn Block,  Ken Kotlowski, Charmaine DeNoyer

Joyce Mavis & Nancy Kuehne        LaVerne Wanasek, Joyce Mavis, Nancy Kuehne, Kathy Host

Top   Lois Chartier & Joycee Kline                     Gene Messal, Carol, Nick Hilarov
                        Bottom    Judy Ensinger, Carol Clark, Joanie          

Millie Winger & Sue Shaw                                     Jane House & Ingrid Koebernik

Elene Sweet                             Janice Hornickel

Pat Schuetz                       Carol Roberts & George Wojtasik              Yvonne Thibodeau

Francis Lisiecki, Lynn Ihling & Tom Williamson at Oklahoma Beach

Kenny Marsolek, Tom Strassman, Lincoln Smith, ____, Michael Scott, Donald Smaultz, Ralph Nicolazzo

Marian Schmid & Gratty Host

Kenny Marsolek & Nancy Wilke                    Sally Krueger

The Belmack Dukes at the corner of KK & Lincoln on March 6, 1949
Left Top  Stuart Holly, Louie Pellerin, Mark Fugina      Bottom   Mel Bejma
Right  Mark Fugina, Stuart Holly, Ted Weista, Louie Pellerin, Mel Bejma, Kenny Struck

Top in both photos   Stuart Holly
Bottom in both photos  Mark Fugina
Louie Pellerin                                             Kenny Struck

Bill Schmidt, Connie Cutlarek, Stuart Holly          Stuart Holly, Bill Schmidt

John Dugan, Beatrice Orlowski               Doris Soltis, John Dugan, Agnes Bova

Margie Prudlow, Barbara Philleo, Bev Voves, Beatrice Orlowski, Ellen Hoefs
                                    Dick Baxter                        Eight '51 grads celebrating graduation, left to right:  Pat Look, Joan Lansing Pecor, Dorothy Landry Gunderson, Judith Akers Peltier, Carmella Czubek Wycklendt, Eva Scheible, Jeanne Scaruta Packer, Jacqueline Gorecki Desalvo

Janet Jennerjohn, Barbie Bodine, Maureen Kearns, Merilyn Nissen, Myrl Schweig & Sue Shaw in a Job's Daughters production
Chuck Mosser

What We Wore

Mary Ann Beck, Norb Boinski & Barb Bodine                   Herb Schaefer & Barb Bodine

Joan Lip, Mary Ann Fairchild, Marilyn Miller & Ester Foti

Ester Foti, Joyce Mavis & Carol Schroeder         Barb Bodine, Gene Huske & Nancy Korn     
Grace Przybylski            Nancy Wilke, George Wojtasik, Sally Krueger, Betty Winkler       

                   Bev Brady

Vivian (Boots) Bagley                        Tom Williamson

Gene Messal, Ned Hardenbrook & Neal Sobieszczyk

Ken Marsolek & Nancy Wilke                                Carol Eberling & Dick Jeszka

Llynn Ihling, Joyce DeNoyer & Sue Findlay          Nancy Wilke

Carl Palicke, Millie Winger & Karl Schroeter       Joanne Moeller & Pat Foldvary

Tony Kubek & Don Sikora             Joan Lip & Marlene Adrian

Top  Jean Engel & Shirley Lahmann
Bottom   Katie Schmidt & Barbara Smukowski

Chiquita (Kitty) Garsombke                   Carol Roberts
Yvonne (Bonnie) Thibodeau                           
Chuck Meyer                 Carol Eberling               Herb Schaefer

Patty Potter                                     Bob Arieff & Ermi Gaido

George Wallock & Fran Lesiecke

Janet Sanderson                                 Nancy Kuehne

Roly Lindblom                                               Annie Beck & Karl Krueger     

Phil Schmid                           Gordy Michalak
Jane Nicholson                             H. E. Smith                                    Joyce DeNoyer   

Audrey Tangen & Janice Hornickel                                 Ruth Lange

Marilyn Marsh & Phil May                     Ned Hardenbrook & Pat Foldvary

Joan Misora                  Millie Winger

Top Barb Smukowski, Katie Schmidt, Annie Beck
Bottom Bev Brady, Nancy Kuehne, Betty Jones, LaVerne Wanasek

Carl Bolz & Ruth Rohloff                    Dick Pickard & Marilyn Marsh   

Top Millie Winger
Bottom Vivian (Boots) Bagley, Joyce Kuhagen, Judy LePine, Susie Shaw